Greetings of the mayor

Böck Foto

Dear fellow citizens,

dear guests,


in the name of the municipality of Oberschleißheim, but also personally, I welcome you to our homepage.


On the following pages you will become familiar with Oberschleißheim and its various institutions.


Oberschleißheim is a lovable small town with a history dating back 1225 years, a great place to both live and work. Despite its proximity to Munich, Oberschleißheim has kept its own independent municipal life – above all due to its many active clubs, groups and organizations.


Oberschleißheim offers a high quality of living because of its rural location, the three castles with their wonderful park on the one hand and its good connections to Munich and the airport on the other. Our town has also over recent years gained importance as an economic site.


I hope that all visitors to our homepage will find the information they are looking for and will make their way successfully through the jungle of data. I am sure that even old-established citizens will discover interesting new facts about their hometown.


In our modern online-era personal contacts should however not be neglected, so for any further information please feel free to contact me or one of my employees.


I hope you will enjoy surfing our homepage.


Markus Böck

Erster Bürgermeister




Grossansicht in neuem Fenster: Lustheim Grossansicht in neuem Fenster: Deutsches Museum - Flugwerft Schleißheim Grossansicht in neuem Fenster: Neues Schloß Schleißheim

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